How To Book Antrobus Village Hall, Cheshire

(And To Find Out What’s On)

For booking enquiries, please email our bookings secretary,
at   (further details here).

The Price for hiring the hall is available on request.

Please Note: The online calendar below is there for guidance only;
it’s always best to check availability with the Bookings Secretary before committing to a date.

How To Book Antrobus Village Hall

Whether you want to hire a function room on its own or make a combination booking of several/all rooms together for a larger event, hiring our hall could not be easier:

  1. Check out our Village Hall Facilities page to help you decide which function rooms you will need;
  2. As a guide to availability, first have a look at our village hall Calendar below and then email our bookings secretary to agree requirements, availability and fee. Contact the bookings secretary by email at:;
  3. When an agreement has been reached, you’ll be asked to complete an online Booking Form to confirm the arrangements as discussed. Open the Booking Form here;
  4. In addition you’ll need to read and agree / download  our Terms and Conditions of hire which will apply to your booking;
  5. NOTE: if you have agreed to include the BAR in your booking, our bookings secretary will advise you who to talk to about this, as this must be organised separately from the Main Hall booking;
  6. Once we receive your signed booking form and payment, arrangements will be made for you to pick up the keys so you can prepare for your private or business event;


We know that whatever the reason
for hiring Antrobus Village Hall,
we’re confident you’ll find our amenities
first class and excellent value for money.

Please note that currently the Village Hall cannot be booked for
Teenage Birthday Parties; (i.e. ages 13–20 … this includes 19th Birthday parties).

The hall CAN be hired for 21st Birthday Parties.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions – thank you.

What’s On

Below is a list of our regular events together with contact details for each event:

Name of Club Regular Meeting Day Contact Name Contact Details
JIVETASTIC Every Monday (7.30pm) also FREESTYLE EVENTS Rob Nickson 07703 343204
TABLE TENNIS Every Monday (2pm)
YOGA Each Tuesday – Time Varies Becky
ANTROBUS WI Every 2nd Tuesday Meryl Phillips 01606 891550
FRIENDSHIP CLUB Every 1st Weds (2pm) Janet Mounfield 01606 892987
 Committee Secretary
BRIDGE CLUB Every Weds Evening see website   >>>> Please see website
ANTROBUS BOWLING CLUB Thursdays (runs between 1st Thurs in Oct – Last Thurs in April) Kath Hankey 01565 777229
FETE COMMITTEE 1st Saturday in July Christina Millichip 07970 722280



Check Availability Via Our Calendar

Note that whilst every effort is made to update the calendar as soon as possible after a booking, occasionally this is impractical. It’s always best to check with our bookings secretary first before committing to a date.